22 Şubat 2012

İçkalpakçı Çıkmazı Monografisi


b i r s o k a ğ ı n m o n o g r a f i s i

Fotograflar : Kemal Cengizkan, Dora Günel

Sosyal araştırma : Gülay kayacan, Ebru Soytemel, Gamze Toksoy

monography, noun

Mo*nog"ra*phy\, n. [Mono- + -graphy: cf. F. monographie.] 1. Representation by lines without color; an outline drawing. 2. A monograph. [Obs.]

mon·o·graph, noun

1. a treatise on a particular subject, as a biographical study or study of the works of one artist.

2. a highly detailed and thoroughly documented study or paper written about a limited area of a subject or field of inquiry: scholarly monographs on medieval pigments.

3. an account of a single thing or class of things, as of a species of organism.

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